
In 2015, City Council approved the addition of Arts to the Parks & Recreation Department in an effort to showcase art and increase interest within the local community. Jason Baucom, the Superintendent of Arts & Entertainment, oversees the operations at the Chesterfield Amphitheater, as well as develops new art programs with the division, including new events and ideas.

A public art program depends on the input of the public for its success. Are you an art lover who wants to support the Public Arts?

Here are four ways you can support our Public Arts Program:

  •     Donate your time (volunteer for our events)
  •     Donate your art (donate a piece of art to the community)
  •     Sponsor an art program (support our art programs by becoming a financial sponsor)
  •     Attend the art events (sign up to receive emails about what is going on in the arts in Chesterfield)

Prior to final donation, all art will be reviewed for quality and future maintenance needs. Please email and let us know that we can count on your support!

To submit your Call for Art Application, please email us your bio, 3-9 images, contact info, and/or your website or visit the Call for Art Application page to submit your call for art.

This exhibit includes professional and amateur artists working in two or three dimensional media within a rotating Art Exhibit at City Hall. Exhibits will be on the first floor and upper level and are scheduled for 12-week periods. More than one artist’s works may be exhibited at one time. For more information or if you are an artist interested in exhibiting at City Hall, please visit the Art Exhibit at City Hall page.