Special Activity Permit

Special Activity Permit
To download the Special Activity Permit form, please click here.
If you are planning a special event or activity in the City of Chesterfield, a permit may be required to help protect the health and safety of your guests.

If you have any questions after reading through these instructions, or are unsure if your event requires a Special Activity Permit, please contact the Planner of the Day at (636) 537-4733 or at specialactivity@chesterfield.mo.us.

All Special Activities involving fireworks require a separate Fireworks Permit.

What qualifies as a Special Activity?

A planned event, activity or temporary grouping of people that deviates from the normal land use that occurs on the site, on city owned or privately owned property, and interferes with the normal flow or regulation of pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic, or parking and may require special City services which include, but are not limited to the provision of barricades (Residential Subdivision use only), refuse services, special parking arrangements or special police services or protection.

Examples of a special activity include, but are not limited to: parades, bicycle races, fairs, outdoor music concerts craft fairs, block/neighborhood parties, motorized vehicle races, carnivals, shows, outdoor cultural/community events, fund-raisers, fun-run/walks, circuses, rodeos, exhibitions, public speaking events, and sales and promotional events.

 A Special Activity requires a permit from the City of Chesterfield.

How do I apply for a Special Activities Permit?

1)       Completely fill out the application. Please type or print legibly in ink.

2)       Please include as much detail as possible and submit a site and/or route plan with the application.

3)       If parking for the event will not be on site, please provide the location where proposed parking will take place.

4)       If the property owner is NOT the same as the applicant, the property owner or authorized agent MUST provide consent to the special event/activity by either signing the application under “Property Owner/Authorized Agent Consent” or by providing a letter with the application stating their consent.

5)       Please submit completed applications via e-mail: specialactivity@chesterfield.mo.us OR via mail or hand delivery: Planner of the Day, City of Chesterfield, 690 Chesterfield Parkway West, Chesterfield, MO 63107

 Additional information

  • This is not an all-encompassing permit, and in fact, may only be one of several permits required for your event.
  • If your event includes the use of any County or State rights of way, the respective agencies may require separate permits/authorization. Acquiring these various permits is the responsibility of the applicant.
  • The City of Chesterfield contracts with St. Louis County for some permit services, and you may be directed to contact the St. Louis County Department of Public Works Special Events Permit Processor, (314) 615-5184, to verify if additional permits need to be obtained before the event.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify that all permits for a given event or activity have been applied for before the date of the event. The City of Chesterfield will not approve a Special Activity Permit until all permit requirements have been met, including obtaining all needed permits from other agencies.
  • A Special Activity Permit does NOT entitle the bearer to any special exemption from following all State, County, and local laws. For example, a permitted event with a live band does not allow for any variance from the City’s general peace disturbance ordinances.
  • Special Activities are activities that do not typically or regularly occur on the site, and as such, may only be temporary occurrences. An event or events which require a Special Activity Permit at any given address or route shall not occur on more than 30 days in any one (1) calendar year, nor shall any single activity or event persist for more than 15 consecutive days.
  • Temporary structures (such as tents - 800 sq. ft. or more) and signage may be subject to separate regulations, requirements, fees and require additional permits.
  • Requests for complete road closures of any kind will not be approved except at the Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex and the Chesterfield Amphitheatre.
  • Events taking place on property or rights of way owned by the City of Chesterfield may require insurance.