How Is It Decided Where To Put A Stop Sign or Electric Signal?
Stop Sign Placement
The City of Chesterfield follows the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for placement of traffic signs and signals in the city. The City Engineering Department and Public Works Department, with assistance from the Police Department, determines the need and type of traffic control at intersections by applying MUTCD guidelines. These guidelines insure safe and effective traffic control by taking into account street and lane dimensions, established speed limits and traffic volume.
Stop Signs are only intended to establish a driver's right-of-way at four-way intersections. However, if residents on a Non-Through City Street feel a need for a stop sign at an intersection, they may petition the City for one. A petition must be submitted by the subdivision trustees and show 75% support from subdivision residents for the proposed stop sign. An ordinance for the stop sign will then be prepared and submitted to the Public Health and Safety Committee for review and forwarded to the City Council for final consideration and approval. (City of Chesterfield Policy Statement #12)
Electric Signals
There are no electric signals on City maintained streets. All electric signals are at intersections maintained and controlled by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and/or St. Louis County Department of Highways (SLCDH). The service request phone number for MoDOT (District 6- West St. Louis County) is 314-340-4100. The service request phone number for SLCDH is 314-615-8538.