Wilson Avenue Improvements

The City of Chesterfield is working to design a roadway improvement project for the northern portion of Wilson Avenue. The intent of the project is to bring Wilson Avenue up to current engineering safety design standards while maintaining the rural character of the road. The design  allowed the City to refine and resubmit a grant application in 2022 and was awarded a Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG). The grant was awarded in an amount up to $1,143,170 for the improvements of approximately 2,300 feet of Wilson Avenue between Wild Horse Creek Road and just south of Walnut Hill Road, near Baxter Crossing Lane. The total estimated project cost is $2,438,819 of which $1,295,649 will be locally funded. Design of the project is currently underway and right of way acquisition will begin in 2024 and construction will commence in 2026.


The approximate project limits, shown above, are from Wild Horse Creek Road to at/near Baxter Lane Crossing (the project does not include connecting to Baxter Lane Crossing).  Specific goals are to realign Wilson Avenue to soften the existing “s-curves”, improve the Wild Horse Creek Road intersection (lower vertical curve on Wilson near WHCR, evaluate turn lanes but only add if required by St. Louis County), replace an existing deteriorating culvert, improve roadside drainage and address any water drainage problems, add a bike/pedestrian shared use path offset from the road, coordinate with Ameren on potential relocation of existing utility poles, and remove/replace vegetation to ensure safe sight distance on the roadway and provide a buffer for impacted residents.


If you have any questions about the project, please contact Jeff Paskiewicz at jpaskiewicz@chesterfield.mo.us or at 636.537.4759


Project Updates:

10/14/2024 – Utility relocations will be necessary and coordination with utility companies continues. Right-of-way and easements acquisition is underway. Staff has acquired a portion of the necessary right-of-way and easements and is currently in negotiations with property owners for the remaining right-of-way and easements needed.

– Right-of-way offer letters sent out by certified mail to those property owners from which right-of-way and/or easements are needed.

2/15/2024 – Utility coordination meeting held at City Hall.

– Appraisals are currently in process. Hottle Valuation Services will be sending out letters to those property owners for which appraisals are needed.


11/7/2023 – Entered into contract with Hottle Valuation Services for appraisals and Real Estate Analysts Limited for review appraisals.


10/25/2023 – Request for proposals sent out for appraisals and review appraisals.


10/9/2023 – Notice to proceed with right-of-way acquisition issued by MoDOT


10/2/2023 – A-Date request submitted to MoDOT.


9/12/2023 – Right-of-way plans submitted to MoDOT.

8/7/2023 – Utility coordination began. Emails were sent to utility companies requesting a response by September 8, 2023.

– Preliminary plans submitted to MoDOT for review. Currently working on right of way plans so they will be ready for submittal after MoDOT approves the preliminary plans. 


4/26/2023 – A public information meeting for this project was held on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Chesterfield City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting format was an open house style meeting where staff answered questions about the project. For those who were unable to attend, the presentation and handout can be viewed using the links below.

04-25-2023 Project Fact Sheet
04-25-2023 Public Meeting Exhibit

4/12/2023 – A public information meeting for this project has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Chesterfield City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting format will be an open house with no formal presentation. Residents are welcome to arrive at any time between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and representatives will be on hand to explain the project and answer questions.


3/6/2023 – City Council approved ordinance no. 3225 authorizing execution of the STBG Agreement.


1/19/2023 – Received draft STBG Agreement from MoDOT.

9/1/2022 – At its August 31, 2022 meeting, the East West Gateway Board approved funding for Wilson Avenue Improvements.

5/12/2022 – Preliminary information provided by East-West Gateway this month indicates that the Wilson Avenue project has been recommended by East-West Gateway Staff for funding in the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This is not an official funding approval. Official funding approval will be considered by the East-West Gateway Board of Directors on August 31, 2022.  Provided funding is approved, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission will submit a Program Agreement to the City of Chesterfield for review and execution in October or November.  Assuming the Program Agreement is approved by City Council, right of way acquisition will occur in 2023 and 2024 and construction will begin in 2026 (unless an earlier start date is authorized by East-West Gateway).  In the interim, project design will continue.

2/10/2022 – STP-S Grant application was submitted to East-West Gateway Council of Governments.

– City Council approved to submit the STP-S grant application to East-West Gateway Council of Governments.

– A public informational meeting was held at City Hall. Thank you to all who attended and provided feedback and questions. For those who were unable to attend, the presentation and handouts can be viewed using the links below. City Council will consider approval of a grant application for this project at the February 7, 2022 City Council meeting. 

1-24-2022 Wilson Ave Presentation
1-24-2022 Wilson Ave Handouts

– Preliminary design documents were delivered to the City by Oates & Associates.

– A public informational meeting for this project has been scheduled for Monday, January 24, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Chesterfield City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting will consist of a presentation by the City's Director of Public Works, Jim Eckrich, on the conceptual roadway design progress and the 2022 STP-S grant submittal.

– Traffic counters are placed at two locations on Wilson Avenue to validate the existing traffic data.

– Engineering Services Contract was executed and Notice to Proceed was issued to the consultant, Oates Associates, Inc.

– City Council approved an Engineering Design Services contract with Oates & Associates.

– Qualifications review completed and scored by City Staff. Scope and fee negotiation initiated with highest scoring firm. Engineering design contract will be scheduled for consideration by City Council once scope and fee are determined. 

9/23/2021 – Project specific qualification submittals received from five engineering firms for consideration.

9/1/2021 – Request for Qualifications sent to seven engineering firms with Statements of Qualifications on file with the City.

8/30/2021 – City Staff authorized by City Council to seek professional engineering design services for Wilson Avenue Improvements.