August 2015 Message from the Mayor

August 2015 Edition

Hello again to all Chesterfield Residents, It is once again my pleasure and privilege to say hello and mention some of the recent and upcoming highlights in our community.

As I write in mid-July, we have thus far endured what has been one of the wettest summer periods in history and are looking forward to what should be a colorful fall. We have had many things to make us proud, such as National Spelling Bee co-champion Gokul Venkatachalam and Anna West, the State high school track & field champion in the 3200 meter race, as well as many other accolades bestowed on our residents.

One of the things I thought worth mentioning is the alarming increase in reports of fraudulent tax returns, as well as the continuing scam operations that prey on our unwary and innocent citizens. Various scams have occurred that involve sending funds to another party with the perception that there would be financial benefit in exchange for sending of funds, or under the threat of government (IRS) action against the individual. These scammers can be quite clever and seem very credible. Some of the more common scams are the Grandparents Scam, Telemarketing Fraud, and Nigerian Letter Frauds. In general, I would urge everyone to be very skeptical of solicitations or demands that sound odd or too good to be true. If you would like more specific information, our Police Department can be a resource and provide tips to avoid becoming a victim.

Most of you are aware of the many wonderful parks in Chesterfield, but do you know that you can become a member of “Friends of the Park” or “Get Active” programs absolutely free? Membership requires giving the City an e-mail address and you will be sent updates (generally bi-monthly) on the exciting activities offered by the City including concerts, sports programs, and other healthy activities.  All you need to do is access our website, and search for “Friends of the Park” and/or “Get Active.”  I urge you to join and learn about all the fun and healthy things our city offers.

Our city continues to grow and prosper with new hospitals, hotels, shops, and subdivisions. While we are fortunate to experience this growth, we are ever mindful to plan and maintain adequate open space, as well as carefully plan for improvement of our roadways in anticipation of additional traffic that undoubtedly comes with growth.

I know that advertisement and promotion for our anticipated Veterans Honor Park is visible in many locations, however, I would like to reiterate my support for this worthy project. Our dedicated citizen volunteer committee headed by Jan and Vince Misuraca is nearing their goal of raising $500,000, which will be matched by the city for the creation of our VeteransHonorPark. The Honor Park will be located outside the south entrance to the Chesterfield Amphitheater on Veterans Place Drive. To learn more about the tribute to past, current, and future veterans, go to  Please consider helping us reach the goal so that we may look forward to a ground-breaking in the near future.


Mayor Bob Nation