Spring 2021

Spring 2021 Edition

Dear Residents,

Heaven knows what a challenging, sad, and frightening year 2020 has been with the COVID pandemic. But good news is here! As more residents receive the vaccines, safety grows. I hope everyone continues to adhere to all the safety precautions and that soon the pandemic will be history.

Despite trying times, Chesterfield has much to be thankful for. Fiscal belt tightening included furloughing a significant number of employees on a temporary basis this past year. I am pleased to say that all who chose to return to their jobs have done so. Our robust reserve fund, a longstanding fiscal policy, has been crucial to our recovery. The receipt of $3.265 million in Federal CARES Act funding was additional welcome aid. The bottom line is that we will not have to ask for any approval for property tax! This information contrasts with my previous newsletter, but the above information, coupled with anticipation that our legislature will likely pass a bill to allow internet sales to be taxed, is the reason for the change in thought. As I have said many times, a city should not collect more than what it needs to provide excellent services to its residents.

There really are so many good things going on in Chesterfield, it is hard to know where to begin. Most excitedly, we have purchased the large tract (8 acres) of land across from the amphitheater, offering plentiful green-space and a location for future functions. We are all watching the creation of Wildhorse 

Village, a first-rate undertaking that will offer residents some exciting options in the heart of our City. In addition, the redevelopment of the “District” (formerly Taubman Prestige Outlet), including a 3300-seat concert venue, and the much-anticipated redevelopment of Chesterfield Mall both will be impressive additions to Chesterfield.

In an effort to make exercising accessible and fun, we have more good news! Chesterfield has gained a new city park on Schoettler Road in collaboration with Logan University at a minimum cost. We are also diligently working to complete the northeast section

of the levee trail to make it more useable for cyclists and walkers/joggers. Additionally, we have plans starting later this year to extend the Riparian Trail (Phase III) all the way to Wild Horse Creek Road and Old Chesterfield Road. Both of these improvements will offer residents longer, less interrupted trails. I encourage all of you to use them and stay healthy!

Yes, this past year has been difficult for all of us and we look forward to a “new normal” soon, where we can once again enjoy socialization with concerts, fireworks, outdoor movies, city pool, and other gatherings. We continue to plan for these events and hope that we can safely provide them. I do appreciate all of you who adhered to the safety measures put into place by the county, but as safety improves, I hope you will patronize our many businesses which have had to make major adjustments and have lost significant revenue. 

As always, I am available for questions or concerns and hope to see you on the trails!


Mayor Bob Nation